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In-depth Analysis

International and Domestic Passenger Traffic
This report includes T2RL's analysis on the domestic and international passenger traffic market for 2023, based on data of over 1000 airlines globally. In 2023, both domestic and international traffic witnessed an increase of 28% and 35% respectively from 2022. When compared to 2019 traffic levels, domestic traffic managed to surpass pre-pandemic levels by 1.4% however international traffic still falls short by 7.4%.

Transformation Series - Delivering on the Promise
This is the sixth in a series of reports that T2RL is publishing on the transformation that is finally under way in how airlines sell and deliver their services. There is a growing consensus that traditional processes based on technologies dating back to the middle of the 20th century need a significant update. In these reports we describe the new structures and, more importantly, describe the path that the industry will have to take in order to implement them. This instalment considers the changes that will be necessary in delivery systems if the full promise of new commercial processes is to be realised at the point where the customer accesses the services sold.

Evolving Dynamics of Airline Payments
The airline industry has experienced significant shifts in payment systems, especially accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This report, based on T2RL interviews and data gathered from 17 leading airlines, provides a detailed examination of the changes and strategic adaptations within airline payment processes, focusing on the integration of advanced technologies and the shift toward direct sales channels.

Global Passenger Volumes Analysis Report 2024
This is T2RL's 8th edition of the Global Passenger Volumes Analysis Report. The report includes an in-depth analysis of 2023 passenger volumes and historical growth analysis. T2RL's annual research into global passenger volumes highlights 4.39 billion passengers boarded from January to December 2023. These findings are based on analysis of over a thousand carriers and represents a 5% decline from 2019 and 32% growth from 2022.

How to Procure Offer, Order, Settle, Deliver
This document outlines an approach to provisioning the new capabilities needed for an OOSD world. It is based on T2RL's extensive experience in helping airlines procure all types of technology and also on the work we have done over the last year with all the major vendors of airline IT services on their visions for the future.

NDC is here to Stay
NDC is certainly here to stay. As 2024 progresses we're starting to see the number of NDC bookings increase. T2RL estimates that the total market for NDC bookings in 2022 was around 85 million or 3% of the total passenger market with this expected to have grown by over 60% in 2023 and further still in 2024. Top tier airlines have set the pace and established many of the necessary processes, laying the foundations on which other, smaller airlines may now build their NDC strategies.

The Market for Airline Revenue Management Systems 2024
As the industry moves further towards retail modernisation revenue management stands to play a fundamental part in offer management. Having a solution that allows an airline to present the right price depending on the specific request for services and who is doing the requesting, as well as considering macro market factors such as demand and competitor pricing, will be extremely important for airlines to gain the most value out of their offers. This report highlights the key vendors in this area by market share, key airline migrations in 2023 and 2024 to date, plus an insight into opportunities and challenges in the area of Revenue Management.

Offer, Order, Settle, Deliver Status Report - May 2024
T2RL produces quarterly reports on the status of Offer, Order, Settle, Deliver developments as the airline industry makes steps to move towards a new retailing environment. This includes details of new implementations and IT developments for airlines and vendors and the impact these may have on the market.

The Current State of Dynamic Pricing for Airlines
IT vendors and airlines are gradually rolling out different flavours of dynamic pricing approaches but it would seem there is still no consistency across the industry in terms of definitions or a solution which covers all. There is also a huge disparity in which of these capabilities enable an airline to display prices through its direct or indirect channels. The goal of this paper is to give airlines a current view on the steps that airlines can take to move from a RBD environment, as well as the vendors offering solutions in each of T2RL's defined Dynamic Pricing approaches and their market share. It focuses on air products only, more specifically right-to-fly fares and static fare families or brands.

The Market for Airline Operations Systems
This report is the fourth of T2RL's reports with analysis on the market for airline operations systems. We continue to look into the capabilities that exist, the new capabilities airlines are demanding, and what the service providers are developing as part of their roadmaps and plans. This includes looking into the detail of network planning, crew planning, systems operations control, crew scheduling, IROPs and airport systems.

Transformation Series - Are Airlines and Vendors ready for Modular OOSD?
This is the fifth in a series of reports that T2RL has produced on the transformation to the new Offer, Order, Settle, Deliver environment. One of the stated motivations for the change is to lower the barriers of entry for providers to the airline technology market. This should allow companies with expertise in modern retailing to provide services to airlines in competition with the traditional suppliers to the industry. A key determinant of whether such new vendors will be successful in the market is the extent to which they will be able to integrate their offerings into the overall airline IT landscape. This report assesses the current state of the market with a view to establishing a modular architecture of airline IT services that would allow the mixing of services from multiple providers.

The Voice of the Travel Seller
Between October 2023 and January 2024, T2RL, in collaboration with industry expert Timothy O'Neil-Dunne, conducted several interviews predominantly with Travel Seller organisations with the intention to better understand how a varied range of key players in the Travel Seller community views the current changes to our industry. With this report we aim to record valuable lessons learnt from the experiences so far and to positively influence the NDC roll outs and improvements under way. We also seek insights to help shape the transition to OOSD (Offer, Order, Settle, Deliver) which is in its early stages. By acknowledging and understanding some of the missteps made with NDC with the benefit of hindsight, and the challenges still faced by the airlines, Travel Sellers and their technology partners today, we hope to influence a better path for OOSD transformation.

The Market for Airline Loyalty Systems 2024
Now that the recovery from the pandemic is well under way, forward looking airlines are thinking about how their loyalty programme will fit into the world of Offers and Orders. Those practicing joined up thinking realise that it is no longer effective to run loyalty as a sideshow to the main business of the airline. It is increasingly an integral part of the customer journey and needs to be at the heart of commercial decision making. This report assesses the vendors offering Loyalty Management Systems in the airline space and current technology advancements in the area of loyalty.

Airline Arrivals and Departures in 2023
Although the pandemic adversely affected the airline industry for two consecutive years, fewer airlines collapsed during this time than in previous years due particularly to the enhanced support given by governments. This report examines the comings and goings in the aviation industry highlighting the impact of Covid-19 in the year that has just ended, with comparisons to previous years.

Service Management and Service Levels in Offer/Order
IT Services in the airline industry are changing. The industry has moved from an off-line economy to a digital, always on, economy and is rapidly evolving further into an online retail economy with the transition to Offer / Order / Settle / Deliver (OOSD). The criticality of IT being always on has never been more apparent. This report looks into how service management and service levels will need to change in an Offer/Order environment.

Offer, Order, Settle, Deliver Status Report - January 2024
T2RL produces quarterly reports on the status of Offer, Order, Settle, Deliver developments as the airline industry makes steps to move towards a new retailing environment. This includes details of new implementations and IT developments for airlines and vendors and the impact these may have on the market.

Living in Interesting Times - T2RL's Industry Outlook
Our recent Industry Outlook paper looks at the external challenges facing airlines and the implications these are having on airline technology and distribution.

Digital Market Report 2023: The Market for Online Direct Passengers
T2RL's research highlights 1.7 billion passengers sold via airlines' direct web and mobile sites in 2022 and projects this reached 2.1 billion in 2023. This report highlights key vendors in the online booking area, as well as current opportunities and challenges faced by airlines in this space.

Impact of the Ukraine War on Travel Technology Vendors
The invasion of Ukraine by Russia has led to substantial changes in the economic environment for airlines and technology providers alike. In this paper T2RL examines the revenue losses incurred by western service providers as a result of the war and the economic sanctions imposed on Russia.

Global Passenger Volumes Projections 2023
T2RL has forecast global passenger volumes in 2023 to be 4.39 billion, a 32% increase from the 3.33 billion in 2022, a 138% increase from 2020, and only a 5% decline from the 4.46 billion in 2019. This report looks at the full analysis of T2RL's passenger projections for the full year 2023.

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